Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging/Vlogging

Blogging Vlogging Free Stock Illustration

Have you ever thought of starting your own blog/vlog, but then you're not fully decided to begin such move?

Don't worry, because this post is meant for you. If you're keen to know why you should start blogging/vlogging, keep reading because this article will convince you to start such digital career on your own.

Two years ago, I've actually never thought that I would have my own personal blog and YouTube channel because I don't have much gadgets/device that time to start mine. I only have a smartphone that time and some writing skills in writing my blog posts. 

But as things goes on, here it is. I now have my own digital platforms where I could get to share with you my insights and tips related to freelancing online, making money online, and digital financing.

And also, I've been to some points when I've thought several times of starting such move.

Yes, there are even some doubts playing in my mind before I begin and even after starting mine whether my blog/vlog would be successful or not.

I was too hesitant those days if I should start one.

But now, look at this blog. It's the fruit of not giving up on achieving my goal.

And actually one of my primary intentions why I started blogging/vlogging was to earn money.

Yes, it's actually possible to earn money through blogging/vlogging. You can earn though ads, affiliate selling, product selling, donations, etc.

To be honest, blogging has helped me a lot as a freelance writer. My blog serves as my portfolio when applying for writing gigs online.

And through the years that I've spent in online freelancing, I've realized that there's a lot more that we can get from blogging/vlogging aside from earning money.

And here, I am sharing with you the top seven reasons why you should start blogging/vlogging too, so stay scrolling Digital Conquerors!

But before that, let's first define what is the difference between blogging and vlogging.

Blogging is a form of writing or creating text contents online. Basically this article is an example of blogging.

While vlogging is quitely different. It's more of video-based contents with some texts and audio. Those videos you watch from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube are examples of vlogging.

Now that we were able to distinguish blogging and vlogging, let's come now to the main points and says of this topic.

So why should you start blogging/vlogging?


1. It lets you earn money.
2. You'll get to know and learn more skills.
3. You won't get bored with blogging/vlogging.
4. You can feature events, places, foods, stories of people's success and hardships, etc.
5. You can inspire other people.
6. You can find communities online which shares the same passion.
7. It enhances your critical thinking skills.

1. It lets you earn money.

Earn money through blogging writing

 As I've mentioned earlier, I started blogging/vlogging with the intention of making some money online.

During those times, I've wondered why are publishers posting content if they don't get something in return out of blogging/vlogging. I've noticed that there were ads on their site or videos while browsing their blog or YouTube channel. And through researching, I found that there's actually a lot of ways on how to monetize blog/videos and make it as a source of passive income.

One of it is through advertising networks displaying ads to your blog/videos. The most popular ad networks today are Facebook Instant Article, Google Adsense,, and Infolinks for monetizing blog contents while Google Adsense for video monetization.

Take a note that these ad networks have specific guidelines that must be followed before and after signing up for monetization.

Your blog should have enough high quality and reliable contents for you to to be qualified.

While in order to monetize your YouTube videos by showing ads, you should be able to complete their minimum requirements for monetization approval. For you to be accepted to YouTube Partner Program, you should accomplish at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months. Your contents should be unique and copyright-free as well in order to earn money from your vlogs.

Did you know that you can now monetize your videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok? Read more here– How to Monetize Your Social Media Accounts/Pages

You can also monetize your blog/videos through affiliate marketing.

What is affiliate marketing?

According to Google's definition from Oxford Languages, affiliate marketing is a marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals.
It can be done by posting links that will redirect your audience to a specific site, making blog posts or video, etc.

In terms of making money through blogging/vlogging, affiliate selling is more profitable than ad networks.

Aside from ad networks and affiliate marketing, you can also earn money by selling your products, courses, or services through your blog/videos which might interests your readers. Make sure that the things you're selling are related to your blog's/vlog's niche (topic).

Can we combine ads, affiliate selling, product selling in a blog/vlog? The answer is...YES! But, just make sure that it doesn't hinder your sites performance and visitor's user experience, and comply with the ad networks' and brands' rules to avoid being ineligible for monetization.

And did you know that even if you couldn't monetize your blog/vlog through ads, affiliate marketing, or product selling, it can still pave the way for you to make money out of it in other ways?

Well, that was proven effective to me. My blog helped me land a job when applying for freelance writing gigs online. It is the portfolio that I show to my clients when applying for writing gigs. I've never thought that my blog would come in handy that way.

So if you're good in writing or video editing, or communicating, why not? The possibility is limitless, right? There's a lot of ways to earn money out of blogging/vlogging.

2. You'll get to know and learn more skills.

man learning digital skills

I started this blog way back 2018 without any blogging skills. I don't know how to design web pages, web coding, graphic designing, SEO writing, and social media marketing which are among the essential skills which a blogger should have.

In fact, what I only have during that time was to write articles in no specific niche.

But through time, I've learned the skills a blogger should possess little by little.

Like me, you can also learn the skills like what I've learned from blogging, or you can also learn to become more talkative and communicative person as a vlogger. You can learn video editing, graphic designing, script writing, social media marketing, and other necessary skills a vlogger has.

3. You won't get bored with blogging/vlogging.

Boy having fun in writing blogging

Blogging/vlogging is fun and even when you do nothing during you leisure times.

This post was actually written because I don't have much things to do. I've really felt bored and because of writing and creating video contents, my boredom was eased.

And I think that you wouldn't get bored too while blogging/vlogging since this is your passion, right?

Not only does blogging/vlogging helps you find hobbies during leisure times, it also helps you learn new words, improve your speaking skills with conviction, and build up your confidence.

So is improving your vocabulary, interpersonal skills and confidence a boring thing? It's NOT, right?

4. You can feature events, places, foods, stories of people's success and hardships, etc.

inspired woman through reading

One of the helpful things that blogging/vlogging can do is that it can be use as a platform to feature places, discoveries, foods, events, stories of other people, etc.

And even when featuring something, you get to learn something new at the same time. And also, you can earn money by featuring tourisms, foods, happenings, or brands.

In fact, businesses, brands, or local governments talk with bloggers/vloggers to gain some exposure. They either invite content creators to go to their place, send them gifts/foods to feature their restaurant, cuisine, or food business, or invite them to events- the most common moves most businesses or brands do.

It's like a win-win situation for both bloggers/vloggers and business owners. As a blogger/vlogger, you've benefited from them while featuring what they offer and as business owners, they get exposure while paying those who feature them/theirs.

You can also use your blog/channel to tell the stories of the unheard– be it success or struggle. It's like using your digital influence to spread unique stories to a wider reach.

5. You can inspire other people.

Inspiring other bloggers/vloggers

Believe me. There are sometimes so many doubts in my mind about freelancing. Having a blog with just a few readers or a YouTube channel with a few viewers is really discouraging as a blogger/vlogger. Wondering what didn't stopped me from writing and creating video contents? It is because I was so inspired by many bloggers and YouTubers out there. Like me, they also started from scratch– from having few readers or viewers, but because they were driven by passion and dedication in what they love, they're now successful and sharing the words of encouragement to those who aspire to be bloggers/vloggers too.

There's a saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".

And it's actually true. I didn't listen to my doubts but instead, I conquered those doubts and pursue what I love, and here it is.

There might have hindrances and discouragements along the way, but if you didn't give up on what you really love to do, there's a magic in it.

You might get zero to only a few support, but believe me, when they see that you're worthy of their support, there's no reason for them not to give it to you.

Just keep pushing and trying.

6. You can find communities online which shares the same passion.

Meeting new people online

Blogging/Vlogging has really help me a lot. It led me towards meeting new faces digitally.

I've found communities online that share various insights, knowledge, resources, information, and inspiring words  to each other, and this is what I like about blogging/vlogging.

In fact, when I was just a newbie in Upwork, I had a hard-time in getting my profile approved.
(Upwork is an online site or platform that enables freelancers to find jobs and clients to hire freelancers about different jobs.) But when I joined Facebook groups about Upwork and asked help regarding my concerns, some didn't hesitate to give their help. They also shared some tips on how to submit proposals, prepare for job interviews, and find other online platforms for applying for jobs aside from Upwork.

And I'm sure that you can find communities too. Communities which will let you feel you're not alone in you're digital conquering journey.
A community where you can get support and insights for improvements, and find friends as well.

7. It enhances your critical thinking skills.

Thinking of a bright idea

If it's not because of blogging/vlogging, I think I am not of keen interest to web developing, social media marketing, and digital content creating.

I shouldn't have been learning digital courses or writing or designing skills if not because of it.

Through blogging/vlogging, I am able to help solve problems of my readers/audience. I am able to provide solutions that are carefully thought and well-researched.

I'm sure that blogging/vlogging will help you a lot in terms of critical thinking.

Since you acquire new skills and get exposed to environments, you can use those learnings to help solve problems you encounter as a blogger/vlogger or your readers/audience.

Now that both blogging and vlogging being two of the most sought-after skills of the 21st century, it is no doubt that they're in demand for their power and influence in this digital age.

With blogging and vlogging that will help you earn money, learn and improve your skills, find friends and communities, and other helpful benefits, no wonder why a lot of people are shifting their career online.

So if you're planning to start blogging or vlogging, there are lots of reasons why you should do so.

Starting one step isn't hard. The moment you start your moves is a process and it's part of it. There might be obstacles along the road but if you keep pushing and trying, you'll learn, you'll improve. Don't get stucked upon being stumbled. Stand up and keep winning the race.

Blogging and vlogging might seem hard for newbies in the digital world, but as they learn to cope with the fast-paced environment and go by, one thing is for sure, they would be able to conquer the digital world.

Now that you've come to this part, I bet you've now decided to start blogging/vlogging, am I right?

Wondering how to start your own blog/YouTube channel?

Go with WordPress, Wix or Blogger (Blogspot) if you want to start your own blog. Purchase your custom domain, install themes, and design your web pages.

Mine was hosted by Blogger. Here's a good read about the Top 5 Reasons Why I Use Blogger (Blogspot) as my Blogging Platform.

It's actually good for starters who don't have much budget for domain hosting but can afford to buy custom domain.

Or if you want to start vlogging, create your own YouTube channel and  think of your vlog's topic so that you can get your specific target audience.

Or if you possess the combination of skills of both blogging and vlogging, why not? It's more advantageous, right? 

Here's a video version of this blog post if you're not much into reading.

So, would you now start your own blog/vlog? Share us your thoughts in the comment section below.

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