About Us

Welcome to Pinoy Tech Says!

Started on 2018, a blog where you can learn anything under topics related to tips in online freelancing, making money online, digital financing, and blogging topics.

I started this blog because of curiosity. I was curious on how can I make money online through blogging and freelance writing.

And then the rest is history.

My main goals why I started this blog site is to inspire you  to become successful online freelancers, technopreneurs, strategists, and digital conquerors.

Through the personal and professional experiences that this blog will share through this blog, it hopes to inspire you as our avid readers.

If you have any queries, comments, or suggestions, feel free to contact us.


About the Author

Hi. I am Nacor San Buenaventura, a 24-year old graduate of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology student of Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot.

I've been writing articles since my elementary years and I'm proud that it has contributed a lot to hone my skills.

I love singing, dancing, hustling, and wandering alone.

And I've always believe that as youths, we have the power to redefine our generation.

If you wish to contact me for queries or collaborations, you may do so by messaging me personally to any of these social media platforms.